1. Sarah Freda says:

    It’s so interesting to hear another professional at a science-focused museum! It’s true that museum professionals are a tight-knit community. During my internship at the Liberty Science Center, I was tasked with investigating the living requirements for a specific jellyfish species. My advisor reached out to her friend at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, who happened to be one of my prior professors! I’ve found that, especially through these interview assignments, this community is so willing to help out. From Catherine’s experience, it seems like social media is a great tool to not only connect with users, but also fellow museums!

  2. Stephanie Ho says:

    Hi Jenna,
    First, I just wanted to say yay, because she is an Asian Studies major and she spent time in Beijing — which I can relate to! I also totally understood her comments about the difficulties staying in China because of the visa situation. I was lucky to have a full-time position, so my company paid for my visa, but it was hard for my news assistant. The interview was quite interesting. I appreciated the part of the conversation where both of you were talking about how “typical” museum jobs involve wearing many different hats! She also was the first person I’ve heard so far who mentioned Pinterest — that’s interesting, especially in light of the #hismed followers. I appreciated how she used social media to provide information about medical science, even if it did not relate directly to something in the collection. I also appreciated how she noted that with her museum’s digital strategy, “what works for us doesn’t work for everyone.”

  3. Alycia Lampley says:

    Yes!!! Surgical science is a love of mine for both it’s educational and morbid implications. I love that Catherine spoke about how popular the museum was on sites like Pinterest – I feel like she was speaking to me directly.

  4. Kenny Clink says:

    I follow a London Surgical Museum on Twitter that posts Trivia questions regularly about historic surgical equipment and each items respective purpose. I, personally, don’t interact with the posts often because nine times out of ten I don’t know what the items are (I have an interest in medical science but not that dedicated).

    I had discussed some social media policies with a previous coworker of mine and she had said that she follows a very strict schedule of posting that varied based on the type of post and the targeted audience. Tagging was one thing that I thought was interesting because I have heard dueling arguments about using it/not using it and how to use it. It was at one point accepted to tag everything, now it is less acceptable to tag everything and only the essentials should be tagged.

    It sounds like you really enjoyed your interview and her enthusiasm seems to have made things go quite a bit smoother and made it much more enjoyable!

  5. Mary Trosin says:

    This was a great interview, you can really feel the enthusiasm and it was very relatable to hear the conversation about small organizations being all hands on deck. From a personal perspective, this interview was really great to listen to as I run the social media of a very small organization without much experience. I’m always trying to learn more about how others perform this role. I also loved the insight on how you reach different types of people with different platforms and they serve different purposes. I’ve never really considered museums utilizing pinterest before. This was all particularly relevant as we have been developing our outreach strategies.

  6. Hey Jenna,

    The International Museum of Surgical Science sounds so interesting! I found it surprising that it was a smaller museum but I am glad you could connect with White as you both have experience in smaller museums. I am really glad that White talked about what happens when museums receive negative or hateful comments on their social media accounts. I think that this is not discussed enough so I appreciated that she was comfortable to share her experience. Great interview, I really enjoyed it!

  7. Carissa Johnson says:

    She has a competitive spirit. I especially resonated with her point that you need to have experiences to land highly sought after positions. A typical museum job often requires you to wear many hats and do whatever is necessary. Even taking out the trash. Online exhibits, if nothing else, are giving people access if they can’t get to the brick and mortar . I found it most interesting that people are being offended by gender posts, and that is a very real part of her day to deal with that, managing the haters… hide them if they use hate speech. Digital strategies are specific to your organization and what works for one doesn’t work for others.

  8. Deena Deutsch says:

    Interesting interview! I found her distinction between the web and social media usage curious, as she suggests users found social media more ‘educational’ than the web, which they deferred to for logistical information (hours of operation, etc.). I wonder if that is an indicator that museumwebsites need to incorporate a mechanism for more spontaneous engagement, perhaps with other viewers or curators with whom they could converse?

  9. Kristina Zapfe says:

    I enjoyed hearing about Catherine’ museum experience from an institution with a scientific focus on medical history. I liked how candid she is about museum professionals contributing to many roles within the museum as well.

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